Newtown Blues

Founded 1887


Welfare & Protection

Newtown Blues GAA promotes and implements a code of behaviour that encourages fair play, respect, equality and safety.  The Newtown Blues GAA Code of Behaviour complements the Code of Ethics and Good Practice for Children’s Sport and addresses the appropriate levels of behaviour, practice and conduct required from our young players, coaches, mentors, supporters, parents/ guardians and clubs.

Newtown Blues GAA has adopted the GAA code of behaviour and asks that all our players sign up to this code of conduct.

The Code of Behaviour (Underage) applies to all of the Gaelic Games Associations – GAA & Ladies Football.

There are individual sections below addressing unique roles and personas for

• Coaches/Mentors
• Players
• Parents/Guardians
• Supporters


Club Childrens Officer
Newtown Blues GAA has a Children’s Officer who promotes our child welfare ethos and associated codes and guidelines.

The key role of the Club Children’s Officer is to ensure the implementation and promotion of the relevant Child Welfare and Protection Codes and Guidelines for good practice so as to ensure that our young people can participate, enjoy and benefit from our Gaelic Games in safe and enjoyable surroundings.

Newtown Blues club childrens’ officer can be contacted via email

Newtown Blues Child Safeguarding Statement 2022


GAA Garda Vetting
The GAA has a long-established principle of vetting any person who, on our behalf, works with children or vulnerable adults in our Association. This principle is enshrined in rule through our Code of Best Practice in Youth Sport. Further information on Garda Vetting and the application process for GAA E-Vetting please visit our dedicated web page on Garda Vetting.


Child Protection/Safeguarding Workshop
In line with best practice in the recruitment and selection of persons to work with children all Newtown Blues GAA coaches and mentors are Garda vetted and are required to attend a Child Protection/Safeguarding Workshop. The Newtown Blues adheres to all the recommendations provided by the GAA in ensuring child welfare & proeteciton are in place at all times. 

The Child Protection workshop schedule is available from the club child protection officer -

GAA Policy documents 
Code of Behaviour Document

Latest, complete GAA Code of Behaviour, Underage is available at GAA Website Code of behaviour Underage Booklet

LGFA Code of Ethics and Best Practice for Young Players 

GAA Website:

Code of Best Practice
Click here for the Code of Best Practice document and Guidelines for Dealing with Allegations of Abuse Underage

Click here for Maintaining appropriate levels of behaviour in our work with children and young people 

Children First
On 11 December 2017 the remaining provisions of the Children First Act commenced in full. Most notably for the GAA our immediate requirements include adopting all provisions in relation to mandatory reporting of child abuse, ensuring the appointment of what can be termed key child safeguarding officers which include Designated Liaison Persons and
Children’s Officers at Club and County level and also appointing the Association’s Mandated Person, we must also provide certain child safeguarding training programmes and commence the process to agree a Child Safeguarding Statement for all Clubs.

For further information on Children First requirements for the GAA please see Children First Information & Guidance for GAA Clubs

Other important links: 

Maintaining Good Practice & Behavior

Dealing with Alleged Breaches of the Code of Behaviour

Recruitment & Selection of Coaches, Supervisors & Other Volunteers

 Club & County Children’s Officer

Club & County Designated Liaison Person 

Organising Club Activities for Underage Players 

Dealing with Allegations or Concerns of Abuse 

Tackling Bullying in your club 



You, the coach to an underage team within our club provide a positive, healthy and encouraging ethos to our young players while at the same time developing the skills levels of all players. Always encourage enjoyment and fun while ensuring meaningful participation in games and activities. and always remember that you are a role model for the players in your care.

Role of the coach defined here>

Respect all players, give all players an opportunity to play and develop, don’t shout at or lecture players or reprimand them when they make a mistake. Children learn best through trial and error. Children and Young people should not be afraid to risk error so as to learn.

Remember you are a role model for your players!

Best Practice
- Ensure that all players are suitably and safely attired to play their chosen sport.
- Keep a record of attendance at training and at games by both players and coaches.
- Be punctual and properly attired.
- Rotate the team captaincy and the method used for selecting teams so that the same children are not always selected to the exclusion of others.
- Set realistic – stretching but achievable – performance goals.
- Encourage parents/guardians to play an active role in organising and assisting various activities for your teams and your club.
- Use mobile phones, if deemed appropriate, only via a group texts system for communicating with the parents/guardians of players and receive such permission at the commencement of each season.
- Do not communicate individually by text with under age players.
- Keep a record of each injury and action taken. Ensure that another official, referee, and/or team mentor is present when a player is being attended to and can corroborate the relevant details.
- Ensure that all dressing rooms and the general areas that are occupied by your players and other club personnel, prior to, during or immediately following the completion of any match are kept clean and - are not damaged in any way.
- If it is necessary to transport a child/young person in your car, ensure that they are seated in a rear seat with seat belts securely fastened.
- Make adequate provision for First Aid services.
- Do not encourage or permit players to play while injured.


And always remember to avoid compromising your role as a Coach/Mentor

- Avoid a situation where you are alone in a car or dressing room with a player

- Avoid taking coaching sessions on your own

- Avoid spending time alone with a player or away from others

- Avoid taking young players to your home

 GAA Coaching
Coaching Resourses can be found on the learning portal see below for useful links. 


Parents and Guardians should

 - Encourage your child to play by the rules
 - Respect coaches, Officials’ and Opponents
 - Assist the team and co-operate with the club as requested
 - Never enter the field of play unless invited to do so.
 - Do not put undue pressure on your child or another child


Young Players
Our YOUNG PLAYERS should always

 - Play fairly, do their best and enjoy themselves.
 - Shake hands before and after the game irrespective of the result.
 - Respect fellow team members, coaches, referees and opponents
 - Be gracious in defeat and modest in victory.
 - Inform their coach/mentor/manager when they are unavailable for training and games.
 - Talk to the Club Children’s Officer with any concerns or questions they may have.
 - Take due care of club equipment


Supporters should

 - Applaud good performance and efforts from players and opponents, regardless of the result.
 - Condemn the use of violence in any form, be it by fellow spectators, coaches, officials or players.
 - Encourage players to participate according to the rules and the referees’ decisions.
 - Demonstrate appropriate behaviour by not using foul language or harassing players, coaches or officials.
 - Never enter the field of play, before, during or after a game, unless specifically invited to do so by an official in charge.
 - Respect the decisions of all officials.
 - Never ridicule or scold a player for making a mistake during games or competitions.
 - Show respect to your Club’s opponents. Without them there would be no games or competitions.
 - Uphold the principles of FAIR PLAY and RESPECT for all.



Concussion Guidelines

Newtown Blues  GAA Club conform with the GAA Guidelines for Concussion as an official policy of the Club. Newtown Blues GAA Club is also adopting and promoting the GAA Information Sheets on Concussion for Players, Young Players (5-18 year old), Coaches & Parents and Referees.

Concussion is a critically important player welfare issue and your co-operation to promote greater knowledge and understanding of how to deal with it, would be very much appreciated.

- Concussion Management Guidelines
- Concussion Information for Coaches & Players
- Concussion Recognition Tool
- Concussion Information for Parents & Players aged 5 to 18
- Concussion Information Sheet for Referees


Transition Year program
As part of your TY experience, do you want to become involved in your local GAA club and be associated with something positive and successful? As part of your TY program, Newtown Blues GAA welcomes volunteers. This program is coordianted by Craig Lynch Louth GDA. P

The Program gives students the knowledge and skills to support all roles required in the effective staging of games. Underage players are challenged to organize and run activities within the club and support coaching of younger players in the schools and club.

- Provision of a TY program that develops sporting skills but also develops planning, team work and leadership qualities.
- Provides an opportunity for the school and Club to forge strong sustainable links with the local Primary schools in the area.
- Training in event management that can be utilised by the school for other programs and for TY work experience: e.g. sports day, awards ceremonies, open days etc.

Student/underage Player
Learn coaching and leadership skills leading to student personal development

Volunteering opportunities include
- Coaching – support coaching in both local schools and club. Coaching foundation courses and referees courses will be scheduled
- Club Grounds – various

GAA Garda Vetting
All underage coaches and mentors 16 or over must be vetted for GAA Activities. E-Vetting is available online at GAA Garda Vetting. See Garda Vetting section above.


Additional Resources
Policies & Procedures

- Communications and Social Media

- Policy on Contacting Underage Players

- Photo Guidelines- Rules for the use of photograph’s involving underage players

1.If a player is named avoid using their photograph.

2.If photograph’s are used avoid naming the child.

3.Only use images of players in suitable dress to reduce the risk of inappropriate use. The content of the photograph should focus on the activity and not on a particular child.

4.The inappropriate use of images of underage players should be reported to the Children’s Officer.

Photograph’s / film / video operators wishing to record an event or practice session should seek approval with the Children’s Officer and mentor of session. Where possible their professional identification should be sought and a record kept.

Videoing as a coaching aid.

Video can be used as a legitimate coaching aid. However, permission should first be sought from the player and the player’s parent / guardian. Anyone concerned about any photography, taking place at events or training sessions can contact the Children’s Officer in relation to the matter.From April 2017, The consent and the player’s and parental permission to use their image is included in the annual registration form.

- Newtown Blues GAA Player Injury Policy

- Accident/Injury Report Form

Coaches/Mentors please complete form for all injuries and notify the referee at end of game about any injury to any players as he will need to report it to County Board.

All claims are required to be reported to insurance company within 60 days of the injury by completing the claim form available from club secretary.


Health & Wellbeing Tips


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